Saturday, June 9, 2018

Knee Scooters - Who needs one?

Anyone with: Achilles tendon injury, arthritis, bunionectomy, diabetes with joint disease or ulcers, foot or ankle surgery, foot reconstruction, gout, hammer toe, an injured foot or ankle, any lower extremity neuromuscular complication, and more, can benefit from this amazing device.

Recently, I underwent surgery for a foot injury. While crutches worked for getting around, there had to be a better way. Enter the Knee Scooter! 

Living in Hawaii has many wonderful benefits; easy access to the newest technology is not always one of them. Being stumped at finding an alternate mode of transportation, I decided to bring this amazing device to the people of Hawaii. Now, they can instantly have a substitute for crutches and wheelchairs.

No waiting for weeks for a shipment from the Mainland. They are now available on Oahu and I am determined to put them into the hands of those in need. Currently, local medical providers and I are paving the way to making what could be a terrible experience into a fun way to regain your FREEDOM OF MOBILITY!

What are the benefits?

Knee Scooters offer you amazing mobility during short-term and long-term recovery.  It can help you stay active throughout your recovery and liberate you from crutches and their limitations. 

It is a very safe and stable means of mobility.  It also reduces fatigue and uses up to 25% less energy than crutches and may speed up recovery time. Most importantly, it eliminates soreness of hands, underarms and chest muscles, commonly associated with traditional crutches. 

Plus, it meets your Doctor's specific requirement for the total non-weight bearing.  Knee Scooters will also improve circulation, exercise muscles, offset atrophy and reduce swelling. More about Knee Scooters on Mfcc 4 Health site.

Short-term Rentals...

Have you been injured recently or had surgery?  

Has this made it difficult for you to get around? 

Are crutches just too painful or inconvenient to use? 

If you answered "yes" to either question, a Knee Scooter is just what you need to help you stay completely mobile during your recovery. For only $50/week you can heal faster and enjoy your freedom.

Long-term Ownership...

Have you suffered a major injury? 

Do you have a condition, such as, Arthritis or Diabetes, which prevents you from doing the things you enjoy? 

Has Gout or other foot or lower leg pain kept you from getting around? 

If so, a Knee Scooter is an answer to the problem! Regain your mobility!  Purchase one for yourself and you will enjoy years of independence and activity.

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